Aruba – Introduction of a Sustainability Fee

Aruba – Introduction of a Sustainability Fee

May 31, 2024

On May 30, 2024 the Parliament of Aruba has approved new legislation introducing further privatization of the wastewater plants and waste management plants in Aruba. The wastewater plants and waste incinerators will be transferred to Aruba Wastewater Sustainable Solutions NV in the process of privatizing these activities.

To provide for funds for the costs of the renovation, exploitation and management of the wastewater and sewage plants and constructions the government will introduce a sustainability fee made payable to the manager of these facilities (Aruba Wastewater Sustainable Solutions) by every passenger entering Aruba through the airport of Aruba.

The sustainability fee will not apply for residents of Aruba, children under the age of 8 years, passengers in transit staying less than 24 hours in Aruba, crew of airlines and ships who enter Aruba in the course of their employment and passengers returning to Aruba within the same period of one year.

The sustainability fee has been set at Afl. 35.80 (USD 20) and will become payable upon registration through the ED card prior to boarding the aircraft to Aruba.

The National Ordinance furthermore provides for exemption of import duties for any machinery, installations and materials used for the construction, renovation and maintenance of wastewater plants, the sewage system and waste incinerators.

A separate National Decree will be provided for the date the legislation comes into force. We also expect further information about the manner in which tourists will be provided information about the sustainability fees.

HBN Law & Tax will inform about any further developments regarding these and other proposed changes once the government of Aruba has provided some more clarification.

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